COOHEM(コーヘン)は「交編(こうへん)」に由来する造語で、山形県の老舗ニットメーカー米富繊維株式会社のファクトリーブランドとして2010 AUTUMN & WINTERよりスタート。「交編」とは、形状の異なる複数の素材を組み合わせて編み立て、まったく新しい素材を産み出す技術を指し、「COOHEM」はこうして誕生したニットツウィードと呼ばれる独自のテキスタイルを用い、まったく新しいトラディショナルウェアを表現している。高度な解析を要するプログラミングと、色や素材を組み合わせるクリエイションの融合。そして技術と経験を兼ね備えたベテランと豊かな感性と想像力を携えた若手、それぞれの職人が融合して挑む新しいモノづくり。表情も着心地も、より良く新しく、鮮やかでファンシーに。すべての工程が一箇所で完結する希少なファクトリーから、日本のモノづくりカルチャーを世界に発信している。
First launched in the 2010 autumn/winter season, COOHEM originated as a factory brand of Yonetomi Seni Co., Ltd., a respected knitwear manufacturer based in Yamagata prefecture. The COOHEM brand name is derived from kōhen, a Japanese term referring to the technique of knitting together a variety of different materials to create unique woven textiles, and it is this technique which COOHEM utilizes to produce the original knit tweed fabric that has become a brand-new expression of traditional wear. By integrating sophisticated analytical programming with the creative process of combining colors and materials, and by complementing the experience and skills of veteran artisans with the inventiveness and fresh vision of younger staff, we have realized a new style of knit textile creation that brings the efforts of many individuals together into a cohesive whole. We care about how our clothes look and feel, and are engaged in a constant pursuit of greater quality and innovation with fabrics that are ever more distinctive and luxurious. Our entire production process is conducted on-site at our factory location, and we are pleased to provide consumers around the world with the best that Japanese craftsmanship has to offer.
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